Vision & Mission to Our Generation
Our Vision & Mission
Revival Time Crusade is an Evangelistic Outreach Ministry with the sole purpose of Reviving the Continents, One Nation at a Time. Our passion is to take the Gospel of Christ to the lost souls in our generation through the preaching of the Word of God and the practical demonstration of the LOVE and POWER of GOD
Our Focus
What is dearest to us
Pray without ceasing - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Prayer is the KEY and the POWER activity that is needed for us to experience the move of God in our generation
Time for a Revival - Hosea 14:7
We believe that God is about to pour out His Spirit in an unprecedented way, which will lead to a REVIVAL
The Word
The Word of God is quick, and powerful,Hebrews 4:12
The explanatory and expository teaching of the Word of God is needed for our spiritual growth and maturity
Pray for the Upcoming 2025 Revival Crusade
We are planning, praying, and believing God to open the door of opportunity for us to hold this very first open-air crusade in 2023-2024. Please do remember to pray for God to pave the way and make the provisional support needed for this first ever crusade.
A Glimmer of Hope
Bringing Hope to The Hopeless
Hope For Our Generation
Providing Hope through spreading the Gospel of Christ
We aim to demonstrate the practical love and hope of our Lord Jesus Christ by feeding the homeless, provide both financial and material provision to orphans and widows in less privileged countries, cities, towns and villages and much more.
Soul Winning
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season...
We aim that by the preaching of the Word of God in Revival Time Crsaudes, that souls will be won for Christ and hearts will be turned to God, lives will be transformed and people will be healed and delivered from all form of bondages and disease.